What would you do for $10,000?
If you wanted to save $10,000 what would you be willing to do right now to make that happen?
Make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch while everyone else in the office goes out for steak salads?
Wear the same 10 rotating outfits to work and listen to your boss’s comments about it?
Say no to owning a car?
What would you do to pursue your dream job?
Quit a good paying non-dream job to get in on the ground level at your dream company and network your way to the top?
Quit another good paying job to try your hand at creating your own job in your own business?
What would you do to keep your business alive?
Get a part time retail job in order to pay the bills?
Get another job doing what you want to do in your own business but do it for someone else in the meantime?
Learn how to do Instagram reels?
Are you willing to do what it takes to make your dreams a reality?
Are you willing to put yourself out there, all in the pursuit of your dream, in a way that feels extremely uncomfortable and not anything that you're taught to do when you're in school?
Are you willing to do the work? Because if you’re not willing then you don't get what you want.
Ultimately, to get what you want means you need to be a different version of yourself.
This isn’t easy. People won't understand what you're doing. You’ll get push back and wonder how to respond to their remarks. You’ll wonder yourself if what you’re doing is worth it.
All of the examples above? They’re a *partial* list of what I’ve done in the pursuit of my dreams.
Almost everything I’ve pursued I’ve obtained. The end result hasn’t always looked like the vision I had in my head of course. I’ve definitely been disappointed, but for each thing I’ve gone after I’m not the same as before. I’ve learned what I like, don’t like, have learned what it means to have persistence and what it means to be resilient. I’ve met incredible people, have stories and experiences I could never have had had I just stayed in place. I’m a much braver, more confident person.
Besides, would you trust a coach who had never gone out of her comfort zone? I don’t think so.
So, how bad do you want it? And what are you willing to do to pursue it?